


產品基于電磁感應的原理,裝置內部設計有靈敏的電磁線圈,當有磁性顆粒經過線圈時,油液中 的鐵磁顆粒會改變傳感器固定的磁場,根據數據變化加上智火柴的算法模型,可以將磁場變化與 磁性顆粒含量建立可直接讀取的關系,產品對于油液中夾雜的異常磨損顆粒有著極其敏感反應, 可對工業現場大型設備的設備磨損做出快速有效的判斷,適用于液壓油、齒輪油、潤滑脂等 工業油品。



The product is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, the device is designed with a sensitive electromagnetic coil, when there are magnetic particles through the coil, oil The ferromagnetic particles will change the magnetic field fixed by the s- ensor. According to the data changes and the intelligent match algorithm model, the magnetic field can be changed The relat- ionship between chemical and magnetic particle content can be directly read. The product is extremely sensitive to abnormal - wear particles inclusions in oil Reaction, can make a quick and effective judgment on the wear of large equipment in the industr- ial field, suitable for hydraulic oil, gear oil, lubrication Grease and other industrial oils.

Application: steel, petrochemical, shield, electric power, wind power, large equipment,

Applicable oil: hydraulic oil, turbine oil, diesel oil, gear oil

結構尺寸/Structure size

在線使用/Functional features

離線使用/Usage mode

適用條件/Suitable conditions

儲存溫度 電源 重量 工作環境溫度 數據輸出 使用方式 工作環境
-20-50℃ DC24V 0.5KG 10℃-40℃ RS485 在線/離線 無冷凝


重復性 分辨率 測試時間 可測量最小值 磨粒檢測范圍 測量范圍
RSD3% 3PPM 30秒 3PPM 1um 0-10000PPM
